The “Quaderni” published by in prin are online reviews aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge and research results on issues and subjects related to the “Friuli in prin” database. Articles published in PDF format can be printed and supplemented by a cover stating the year and the publication number. For the time being, these reviews are not periodicals.

"The reproduction of texts and pictures or their use for any purpose is strictly forbidden.
All rights are reserved by the State Archives of Udine and the authors."

I Quaderni di FRIULI in prin - Quaderno 02 - anno 2009

Quaderno 02_2009:
"Popolazioni e guerre"

Quaderni di FRIULI in prin - link al Quaderno 02 - anno 2009

The second number of "Quaderni" (texts available in the Italian language only) recalls a very dramatic period of the Italian history between 1944 and 1945 when air raids on Italian towns became increasingly frequent with all their consequences in terms of destruction and death for the civil population. This is the subject dealt with by the State Archives of Udine within the framework of the initiative called “Bombarded towns: a historical and didactic itinerary around archives sources, diaries and personal stories” and launched on the occasion of the 11th Week of Culture, which took place on April 18-26, 2009. The pages below illustrate this itinerary starting from the documentation of that time with the support of contributions from experts.