The “Quaderni” published by in prin are online reviews aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge and research results on issues and subjects related to the “Friuli in prin” database. Articles published in PDF format can be printed and supplemented by a cover stating the year and the publication number. For the time being, these reviews are not periodicals.

"The reproduction of texts and pictures or their use for any purpose is strictly forbidden.
All rights are reserved by the State Archives of Udine and the authors."

I Quaderni di FRIULI in prin - Quaderno 01 - anno 2008

Quaderno 01_2008:
"On the Traces of Ancestors"

Quaderni di FRIULI in prin - link al Quaderno 02 - anno 2009

The first number of "Quaderni" (texts available in the Italian language only) is devoted to personal data and civil status information sources, albums of pictures, family trees and, more in general, to the use of public and private archives and databases for the reconstruction of the history of families and persons. Friuli in prin is launched on the Internet at a time when the issues connected with the identity of social groups and personal recollections try to find a meeting point in the tradition of archives and their tools to backtrack the generations from which our present time derives by way of continuity or break.