Friuli in prin is the title chosen for the data bank on the historical registering of families in Friuli. The Friulian language sounded just right – “in prin” suggesting immediately not only the passing of time but also the realisation of changes which have happened. Time and change are after all the two cardinal points for the study of history and the interpretation of the past. Il tempo e il mutamento sono infatti i due cardini dello studio storico e dell’interpretazione del passato.

The project was conceived by the State Archive of Udine to promote the sources of the history of the people. It has been recognised by the President of the Council of Ministers for the quality of service it offers citizens and is financed by law 482/99 concerning the protection of minority languages. Friuli in prin is a data bank which organises registry documents, connects them to people and fixes important biographical events of generations of Friulians who lived between the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century. The sources chosen to create this historical data bank were the marriage certificates and the deeds of the office that dealt with conscription. A long period of study was required, involving archivists, computer experts and demographers, to identify the sources. The use of these documents proved ideal in the construction of an informative network. For every person the deeds carry not only the name, surname, age, date and place of the event but also the name of the father and the mother, any nickname, the trade of the person in question and other details which helped build up a biographical profile, although it may be rather superficial, of each one.The project was coordinated by the State Archive and involved the Department of Statistical Science at the University of Udine for the technical part: the function of the Department was to study the architecture of the system, perfect the methods for transcribing the data, test the model, train the data-entry operators, and coordinate and check the quality of the data.

Details of the planning part

  1. Una banca dati storico – anagrafica, di Roberta Corbellini (Archivio di Stato di Udine)
  2. Costruire Friuli in prin: le fasi del progetto, di Roberta Corbellini (Archivio di Stato di Udine)
  3. L’anagrafe informatica delle famiglie friulane costruita sulla base delle fonti presenti presso l’Archivio di Stato di Udine, di Alessio Fornasin (Università degli Studi di Udine)
  4. Architettura del sistema, di Anna Marzona (Università degli Studi di Udine)

The numbers of Friuli in prin

When it is finally finished Friuli in prin will offer a solid and reliable structure to supply the registered data of any Friulian born between 1846 and 1930 in what are now the provinces of Udine and Pordenone. Currently the data bank has the details of 84,091 marriage certificates dating back to the period 1871-1900 for all the municipalities in the province of Udine (except for the area which used to be under Austrian rule) and 133,829 conscription papers for those born between 1846-1890 from the districts of Ampezzo, Cividale, Gemona, Latisana, Moggio, San Daniele, S. Pietro, Tolmezzo and Tarcento. The districts of Udine, Codroipo and Palmanova are currently being implemented. When it is complete the project will cover four generations who lived between the 19th and 20th centuries, a period which was particularly important for its demographic and social changes. In other words the data bank will follow individuals and family groups until it links up with more recent years when, almost for everybody, family memories and the transmission of oral facts and memories begin.

Why it is useful to use Friuli in prin

The data bank enables you to:

  1. start a search for administrative issues (e.g. pensions, acquisition of Italian citizenship by descendants of Friulians living abroad, finding out the original form of a surname), in short it enables the user to find out exact details about their ancestors;

  2. begin a genealogical research of your family. Friuli in prin provides sound facts, removing doubts on frequent cases of people having the same name, for persons and family groups who have been forgotten and you need to trace a document;

  3. to obtain data about the territory. It is possible to compile lists of surnames, nicknames, trades associated to places and periods. The user will also have the following tables at his/her disposal, which will continue to be checked and updated:

    1. surname present
    2. correspondence between surname and nickname (in preparazione)
    3. historical presence of surnames according to the town or village
    4. presence of male trades
    5. presence of female trades
    6. presence of trades according to historical periods
    7. frequency of trades according to the trades or village



State Archive of Udine – Roberta CORBELLINI

Scientific Commission

State Archive of Udine – Roberta CORBELLINI
Department of Statistical Science (University of Udine) – Marco BRESCHI, Alessio FORNASIN, Anna MARZONA

Executive plan

coordination: Alessio FORNASIN
system architecture: Anna MARZONA
training of data-entry operators: Alessio FORNASIN data transcription methods: Alberto MAUCHIGNA, Carla PEDERODA, Pierluigi LEBAN, Susanna MAGLI
data quality control: Alessio FORNASIN, Anna MARZONA
grafica banca dati: Camilla Franz Malagnini

Infrastrutture hardware

Carla Sava


reorganisation and research tools: Laura CERNO, Carla PEDERODA

Web Site:

Content editor: Fiammetta AUCIELLO, Laura CERNO, Roberta CORBELLINI
Coordinamento e digitalizzazione: Carla SAVA
graphics: Andrea ZULIANI
controllo di qualità a cura dell'OTEBAC
referente CED del MIBAC: Alberto Bruni

versione stampabile in formato PDF

F. Auciello L. Cerno, Archivio di Stato di Udine