Forenames and Surnames

Our database contains thousands of forenames and surnames, many of which can appear to those who consult our website with a spelling other than the current one or a different spelling in the two sources to which the database refers, i.e. marriage certificates and conscription certificates. Our database does not rectify or make these discrepancies uniform because it is aimed at recording the changes in names as they result from public registers.


Register of conscription certificates of Udine for those born in 1850, entry no. 448:
Brazzà Claudio s/o Girolamo and Tuzzi Rosa, born in Pagnacco on March 17, 1850.

Register of marriage certificates for the year 1876 of the Municipality of Pagnacco, certificate no. 1:
Di Brazzacco Claudio, di Girolamo e Tuzzi Rosa, nato a Pagnacco il 17 marzo 1950 sposa Romanello Maria Maddalena.

Mothers’ Surnames: The Weak Link of the Chain of Generations

In order to properly identify a person and his/her family, Friuli in prin also contains the father’s and mother’s names as they result from marriage and conscription certificates. However, it should be stressed that while the personal information of fathers are generally accurate and properly spelled, the personal information of mothers are sometimes incomplete. In particular, with reference to conscription certificates, it may happen that the compiler of the source document collected and recorded the mother’s surname in a hardly readable manner or with a wrong spelling. During database implementation, many discrepancies were detected in forenames and surnames recorded for mothers of more than one children, as well as different spellings on the marriage certificate and conscription certificate referred to the same person.


Register of conscription certificates of Udine for those born in 1887, entry no. 746:
Brazzoni Dante s/o Giuseppe and Antoniech Antonia, born in Rijeka on April 7, 1887

Register of conscription certificates of Udine for those born in 1890, entry no. 667:
Brazzoni Oreste s/o Giuseppe and Antoncich Antonia, born in Mali Lozinj on December 14, 1890

Register of conscription certificates of Udine for those born in 1850, entry no. 476:
Solimbergo Augusto Silvio s/o Rodolfo and Lanch Giovanna, born in Udine on November 8, 1850

Register of marriage certificates of 1882 of the Municipality of Cividale, certificate no. 25: s
Solimbergo Augusto s/o Rodolfo and Lang Giovanna Francesca, born in Udine on November 8, 1850