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Ricerca dei documenti anagrafici

The aim of the State Archive of Udine is to make things easier for whoever wants to acquire registry documents regarding their ancestors who were born in the territory which is now the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia by answering the most frequently asked questions.

Who issues authentic copies of conscription papers?

The documents can be freely consulted at the State Archive which can issue an authentic copy of the result of conscription (list of conscription or list of extraction) and the registration number produced by the military authorities on the conscript’s service.

Who issues registry documents?

Any registry documents concerning ancestors will be issued solely and exclusively by the Registry Offices. It is possible to freely consult, for historical purposes, the registers (date of birth, marriage and death) from 1871 at the State Archive which keeps copies of the documents kept by the Municipalities.

Were the civil registry offices between 1800 and 1900 the same as today?

The civil registry offices used to be either in the municipalities or in the parishes. This is because Friuli Venezia Giulia was not part of the Kingdom of Italy at the time and after 1866 some territories still remained under Austrian rule. Therefore while Italy in 1871 assigned the registry services to the various municipalities, Austria continued to leave it in the hands of the parish priests.

Who should I ask for information?

To trace municipal or parochial archives which preserve the registered data of people born in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century it is necessary to know the most recent history of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the progressive formation of the provinces of Udine, Gorizia, Pordenone and Trieste.

1815-1865 L’intero territorio che comprende le attuali province di Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia e Trieste si trova sotto la dominazione austriaca. 1815-1865 Gli uffici di stato civile secondo la normativa austriaca si trovano presso le parrocchie. 1815-1865 The civil registry offices, under Austrian law, were located at the parishes.
1866 Italian Friuli. The Friuli which became part of the Kingdom of Italy with the name of province of Udine comprised an extensive territory, extending from the river Livenza to the Judrio, from the sea to Pontebba. The northern and eastern borders were with the Austrian territories of Klagenfurt, Plezzo, Tolmino, Gorizia, and the western borders were with the territories of Portogruaro, Oderzo, Conegliano, Vittorio Veneto and Cadore. map 1866 Despite annexation to the Kingdom of Italy the offices still remained, throughout the territory, at the parishes.

1871 The Italian government set up the offices at the town halls.
1866 Austrian Friuli. The towns of Gorizia, Gradisca, Cervignano, Aquileia, Aiello, Tarvisio, part of Pontebba still remained under Austrian administration. 1866-1920 In these towns Austrian legislation remained in force, and therefore the civil registry offices remained with the parish priests. The documents were kept in the parishes.
1919-1926 After World War I the territories that had remained Austrian (Gorizia, Tarvisio, Cervignano, Aquileia, etc.) became part of the Kingdom of Italy under the province of Udine, renamed province of Friuli. The province of Italian Trieste was a separate administration starting from 1923. 1921 Italian law came into force in these territories too and therefore the civil registry offices started to function at the town halls.
1927 The province of Gorizia was set up and was separated from Udine. It included the territories of the district of Monfalcone and of Idria. In this redistribution of territory, Udine received towns in the district of Cervignano and the district of Tarvisio. The civil registry offices were at the town halls.
1947 With the peace treaty signed at the end of World War II, the Italian borders were changed with the assignment of some territories to Yugoslavia. Consequently the province of Gorizia was modified, and its territory reduced. From this date to today it includes the territories of Gorizia, Capriva, Cormons, Doberdò del Lago, Dolegna del Collio, Farra d’Isonzo, Fogliano-Redipuglia, Gradisca, Grado, Mariano del Friuli, Medea, Monfalcone, Moraro, Mossa, Romans d’Isonzo, Ronche dei Legionari, Sagrado, San Canzian d’Isonzo, San Floriano, San Lorenzo, San Pier d’Isonzo, Savogna d’Isonzo, Staranzano, Turriaco, Villesse. The province of Udine remained territorially unchanged. The civil registry offices were at the town halls.
1954 The province of Trieste was also set up. In the internationally signed agreement, it includes the towns of Duino-Aurisina, Monrupino, Muggia, San Dorligo della Valle, Sgonico and also the main town of Trieste. The civil registry offices were at the town halls.
1963 From the province of Udine the towns on the right bank of the river Tagliamento were removed, in order to form the new province of Pordenone which includes, apart from the main town itself, the towns of Andreis, Arba, Arzene, Aviano, Azzano X, Barcis, Brugnera, Budoia, Caneva, Casarsa della Delizia, Castelnuovo del Friuli, Cavasso Nuovo, Chions, Cimolais, Claut, Clauzetto, Cordenons, Cordovado, Erto e Casso, Fanna, Fiume Veneto, Fontanafredda, Frisanco, Maniago, Meduno, Montereale Valcellina, Morsano al Tagliamento, Pasiano di Pordenone, Pravisdomini, Roveredo in Piano, Sacile, San Giorgio della Richinvelda, San Martino al Tagliamento, San Quirino, San Vito al Tagliamento, Sequals, Sesto al Reghena, Spilimbergo, Tramonti di Sopra, Tramonti di Sotto, Travesio, Vajont, Valvasone, Vito d’Asio, Vivaro, Zoppola. The civil registry offices were at the town halls.

What information can be found in the archives of the Registry Offices?

The archives of the Registry Offices were begun in 1871 and they collect the register of births, marriages and deaths of all Italian citizens. Marriage is registered on the birth certificates and the place where it took place, the date and the name of the husband/wife and finally the date and place of death. Even the details of those who moved to other municipalities or emigrated abroad are registered but only when the relevant documents are sent to the office. Therefore a long time can elapse between the event and the registration.

What information can be found in the archives of the parish registry offices?

The parish registry offices also record births, marriages and deaths pursuant to Austrian law. For security reasons at the time, a copy of each register was also sent to the Diocesan Administration which even now preserves it in their historical archives. In some places parochial archives also recorded the names of those who left.

What information is needed to request copies of certificates from the registry offices?

To fill in a request to send to the State Registry offices you should have the following: name and surname of your ancestor (male or female) who was an Italian citizen, his/her father’s and mother’s name and the year and municipality he/she was born in. The lists of the municipalities in the provinces of Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia and Trieste can be found on the web sites of the relevant province:

If I have not got the relevant information, how can I go about a search?

If you have not got the above information any search or issue of documents is almost impossible. You will therefore have to investigate the origins of your family and ancestors, and try to acquire any general information or details which will lead you to a more precise identification.

The use of Friuli in prin

To make the search easier, the State Archive in Udine has set up a data bank Friuli in prin, which has gathered all the information registered in marriage certificates from the period 1871-1900 for all the municipalities of the province of Udine (except those which were under Austrian rule) and the information registered in the conscription papers for those born between 1846 and 1890 in the districts of Ampezzo, Cividale, Gemona, Latisana, Moggio, San Daniele, SanPietro, Tolmezzo and Tarcento. You can thus trace any registry data and the municipality of origin of your ancestor to which the request for a copy of the deed must besent.Since Friuli in prin is constantly being updated, the information for some persons has not yet been inserted. If this should be the case the State Archive can carry outa search directly from the sources.

Fac-simile of request to be sent to::

Via F. Urbanis 1
33100 U D I N E

As well as for searches of a purely genealogical nature, the data bank is also useful for any descendants of Friulians who emigrated abroad and who want to request Italian citizenship. To this end the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia has made available to its users a network of information on services, activities and initiatives for citizens of the Region throughout the world, on its